One thing that seems to hold a lot of people back from starting their VA business is creating their website and blog. Many VAs get going with training, planning, designing their offerings, only to get stuck with their sites, either paralyzed about making the wrong choice or endlessly tweaking their site or getting hung up on tech issues. I’m here… Read More
5 Good Books to Boost Your Happiness & Your Business
As The Happy VA, you know I love me some happiness books! Not only can they help us feel more content in life, but they can also help us succeed in our businesses. The more fulfilled you are personally, the better you can serve your clients and customers. At least, that’s what I’ve found. But, I’m not the only one… Read More
35 Important Things to Know about Freelancing
Well, friends, yesterday was my 35th birthday today. It’s also been nearly a decade now that I’ve been freelancing and working from home. Whew! I’ve learned a lot over the last few years, but also still feel like I’m just scratching the surface in other ways. But, when I think about it, I’ve come a long way from the beginning,… Read More